There’s More In The Back

There’s More In The Back

After three years of working luxury retail, I requested to process shipment during weekdays and only consult with customers on weekends. That schedule granted me access to new inventory and made it easier to make styling recommendations during the weekend.

As part of the company’s “world-class service,” we offered personal styling consultations. One weekend I scheduled a consultation with a client and also ran the dressing rooms.

Things became hectic as women tried on multiple items, hung up none, and continuously requested new colors, sizes, etc. I was tirelessly meeting these demands, all while assisting my client with her looks. Any items that she liked, I carefully tagged with her name and hung on a separate rack.

While I was assisting my customer, a woman that was waiting in line grabbed a shirt from my client’s stack.

My customer quickly exclaimed “Hey that’s my shirt!”

The other woman refuted, “You haven’t paid for it, so it is not YOUR shirt!”

My customer then proceeded to snatch the shirt from the lady’s hand, at which point I began to walk over. Before I could make it, the woman grabbed the other end of the shirt, and the two began tug-a-war with a halter top.

Since I processed shipment, I knew that there were plenty more in the back. I tried to interrupt the altercation, but after failing to calmy get their attention, I yelled, “THERE’S MORE IN THE BACK!”

My customer angrily responded, “No, this is the last medium!”

To which I replied, ” Yes, ma’am, but there is more of this exact shirt in the back. If you give me a moment, I will get you one!”

How often are we like this with God’s timing? Fighting, begging, and clawing for something that He already has in store for us. Upset because we see Him doing it for someone else, forgetting that He will take care of us all.


Before styling consultations, I would listen to the customer’s needs and learn their style. Once I got to know them personally, I was able to create an experience that catered to their individual needs.

How much more does God know us? How much more personal are His blessings? Don’t you think His promises are worth the wait?

Trust me they are.

This lady was arguing over a yellow halter that she THOUGHT she wanted because she saw someone else with it. Had she waited, I would have told her that we had that same shirt in her size and a variety of colors. As a matter of fact, I knew some heels that would pair perfectly with it. BUT since she fixated on that top, that’s all she got!

We often bear unnecessary pain and forego gifts that God designed specifically for us. Don’t limit your blessings, trying to compete, and compare. Trust that God knows best and will always give you what you deserve.

God’s table is ever-growing and there is literally room for us all. It’s not worth being discouraged when you see it happening for someone else, because He always has more in the back.

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I’m Just Here For the Clothes

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