Unleash Your Divine Spark

Unleash Your Divine Spark

During my planning season (thank you, God for growth!), I wrote this blog post a month ago, thinking I’d share it after my birthday. But after attending Woman Evolve this weekend, I’m amazed by how well my message aligns with what I learned there. It’s a reminder of how God always confirms what’s in my heart, and I’m so grateful for that. So, let’s jump right in!

After the excitement of my birthday festivities, I’m deeply moved by the overwhelming love and support I received. Having lived on this Earth for 33 years, I now feel that I’ve reached a point where I truly believe in the promises God has for my life, and feel a strong calling to radiate my inner light with intentional purpose. However, this hasn’t always been my reality.

In quiet corners of my journey, I’ve found myself dodging the callings God had lovingly woven into my soul. Doubt, fear, and uncertainty frequently screamed louder than the tasks God had whispered into my heart.

But today, no longer confined by the walls of comfort, I’ve chosen to cast aside the shackles of hesitation. As my purpose unfolds, I’ve realized that shrinking is no longer an option. In this season I’m reminded that bravery isn’t the absence of fear but the audacity to rise above it. 

So, as I embrace the magnitude of His plans, I welcome the quiver in my voice and the flutter in my heart. I find strength in these vulnerable moments – because He who guides me has never failed. 

If you’ve been sitting on the fence of a purpose-driven life, I’d like to encourage you with 3 benefits of jumping into the life you were created for. 

1. Purpose Perfect: Gone are the days of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Embracing your God-given purpose is like finding the puzzle piece that completes the masterpiece. You’re not squeezing into roles that don’t fit – you’re shaping your world to match your authentic self.

2. Resilience: Life throws curveballs, but you have an unbreakable shield when striding in sync with purpose. Challenges become growth opportunities, and setbacks are scenic detours on the road to success. You begin to embrace the uncertainties and relish in the unexpected, because you know it’s a part of a greater plan.

3. Movement Makes Moves:  Your purposeful actions ripple through the lives of others in ways you can’t even fathom. Living your God-given purpose creates a domino effect of positivity, inspiration, and transformation. It’s a beacon of light radiating for miles, inspiring others to ignite their flame. 

Matthew 5:16 (New International Version): “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Remember, you’re not just living for yourself – you’re living for the world that desperately needs your light. So, go ahead and unleash that divine spark within you. We’re waiting. 

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