Easy Love

Easy Love

Kasee and I dated for eight years, have been married for three, and have been happy the entire time. Honestly, it isn’t because our relationship has been perfect, but our love has always been EASY!

When we met, it was like finding someone who spoke a language that only I had known. We just…clicked.

I get a lot of questions about what to look for in the “perfect man.” And while I can’t speak to that, I can share some fundamental truths about an easy love!

Easy love Adapts

I’ve known Kasee for over a decade, and we’ve experienced an abundance of life changes. As a couple, we’ve transitioned from college kids with hardly any responsibilities to adults that aim to balance business, parenthood, and life!

In our earlier years, we reserved Fridays for wild nights on the town that lasted till morning. Now they’re set aside for wine on the couch with Grayson, that ends before 10. It would be silly for us to expect the same life we were living eight years ago when so much as changed since then.

When you’re dealing with a comfortable love, your partner will adapt as you grow. Sure, the core of your being will remain the same, but your interests, goals, and mindset will change over time. Easy love buckles up in the passenger seat and enjoys the ride.

easy Love Gets You

Since the beginning of our relationship, I have let all of ME hang out, and Kasee gladly accepted it. More importantly, he appreciated it.

When you find “The one,” you won’t have to explain why you sing too loud, laugh too long, or want to sit in the park for hours. They’ll get you, but even better, they’ll LIKE you! It’s a relationship void of eye-rolls, snide remarks, and questions about your being.

You’ll be comfortable being your full authentic self at all times, and your partner will naturally understand and enjoy you!

Easy Love Doesn’t Hurt

I could really end this section with that one sentence because love should NEVER hurt! Physical, emotional, or mental pain has no place in a loving relationship. NO MATTER WHAT a person says, If they’re abusing you in any way, they do not love you. They may love the fact they can manipulate or control you, but they don’t value YOU as a person.

Easy Love Ain’t Easy To Find

Most relationships don’t check all three of these boxes. Hell, I’ve been relationships that didn’t check any.

That doesn’t mean that your relationship can’t work; You’ll just spend countless hours explaining who you are, what you want, and what you expect from your partner.

You will settle for someone who doesn’t completely understand you, happily adapts as you grow, and protects your heart at all costs. I hope you never settle for anything less than easy love.

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