Hello world

Hello world

If you’re reading this, it means the words “Hello World” no longer plague my website. That is the short sentence that comfortably occupied my blog for a year as I struggled to find the motivation, strength, and courage to rebuild something I had been working on for years.

If you’re reading this, then it means that I was able to overcome the guilt, self-doubt, and disappointment that accompanied me with losing my domain. It means I have finally dared to restart despite feeling like a failure to have to do so.

It means I didn’t give up on the blog altogether as I had initially intended, because the truth is I love to write, and believe God has big plans for this platform. Maybe losing my blog was the push I needed to reshift and create a space that is more aligned with my current life.

It means I took an unfortunate experience and found a way to pivot and make it work in my favor. The Glamazon Universe had a great run, but Give a Glam is a platform that I am incredibly passionate about and can’t wait to share with the world.

Restarting is hard. Not only do you have to regain momentum, but you must also battle the thought that you failed the first time around.

I didn’t fail; I just learned how not to succeed.

You can take the time you need to regroup, but eventually, you have to dust yourself off and try again. So this is me dusting myself off. And trying. Again.

Hello World.

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