Mastering Mondays

Mastering Mondays

Hi my name is Chasmine Brown, and I am a recovering Monday hater.

Just mentioning the word “Monday” invoked thoughts of early alarms, endless to-do lists, and the monotony of the workweek. It was as if the day was conspiring against me, marking the start of a tiresome routine that I had little enthusiasm for. Yet, a subtle transformation occurred between my groans– a shift that turned my Mondays from dreaded beginnings into eagerly awaited milestones.

You see, Mondays no longer represent the onset of the work week for me. They’ve evolved into something more profound – the commencement of MY week. I began to view it as a fresh start, filled with endless possibilities tailored to my desires and dreams. Not just first the day I put on my 9-5er hat.

So, instead of being at the mercy of the mundane, I encourage you to seize control and mold your Mondays into a launchpad for personal growth, a dive into your passions, and a runway to your purpose.

Today I’m sharing 12 things you can do to make the start of your week a little brighter!

  1. Plan a special breakfast: Start your day with a delicious meal that you look forward to.
  2. Dress up: Put on your favorite outfit or something that makes you feel confident and comfortable.
  3. Treat yourself to coffee or tea: Stop by your favorite coffee shop or brew your favorite blend at home.
  4. Listen to uplifting music: Create a Monday playlist filled with songs that energize and motivate you.
  5. Set goals for the week: Take some time to outline your goals and priorities for the week ahead.
  6. Practice gratitude: Reflect on the things you’re grateful for and start your week with a positive mindset.
  7. Connect with loved ones: Reach out to friends or family members for a quick chat or make plans to meet up later in the day.
  8. Read something inspiring: Start your day with a motivational book or article.
  9. Plan a small treat: Whether it’s a dessert, a small shopping splurge, or a favorite movie, plan something enjoyable for the evening.
  10. Get creative: Engage in a creative activity like drawing, painting, or crafting to stimulate your imagination.
  11. Prioritize self-care: Set aside time for self-care activities like a bubble bath, a face mask, or a massage.
  12. Exercise: Engage in physical activity that you enjoy, whether it’s a workout, yoga, or dancing.

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