My Pregnancy Story: We’re Pregnant!?

My Pregnancy Story: We’re Pregnant!?

Kasee and I practiced celibacy for the years leading up to our wedding. So you can imagine the fun we were having once we exchanged vows. And while we were enjoying our new extracurricular, we agreed there were some things we wanted to experience before having children. So two years, nine countries, and three promotions later, we decided we were officially ready to start “trying.”

With our plan in motion, I ran to the dollar store to rack up on pregnancy tests and anxiously awaited my fertile days. After research, I learned that only 20% of couples get pregnant on the first try and braced myself to be amongst the 37% of women who conceive within the first three months.

The test

Although I had mentally prepared not to be pregnant after our first try, I was still disappointed when only one line appeared. But it was only the FIRST day of my missed period, so I was still hopeful.

The next morning, I excitedly ran to the restroom, dipped the second test, and was again met with a discouraging single line. Disappointed, I placed the test back on the counter and went for my morning run.

After my run, I called my sister to share my grievances and whined that I wouldn’t be pregnant anytime soon. Our conversation eventually evolved into one about work drama and Netflix shows. And I decided to start my Saturday morning cleaning session.

When I finally went to clean my restroom, I stopped dead in my tracks and said-sung, “hold up, wait a minute!” My sister laughingly asked why I’d interrupted our conversation with a 90’s tune, and I explained to her that I saw the faintest second line on the pregnancy test. Although I was shocked, I immediately disregarded the new results, because it had been sitting out for a few hours and was likely an evaporation line.

However, my sister wasn’t accepting it. She excitedly demanded that I immediately take another test. So I did. I dipped a test in new urine, waited 5 minutes, and saw two faint lines appear.

The Test(s)

I proceeded to take 2 more tests! Each greeting me with the same double lines.

All of a sudden, the dollar store tests weren’t good enough. I needed something that clearly said if I was pregnant or not. So I ran to CVS to get a Clearblue test, dip the new stick and watched the words “Not Pregnant” appear.

My disappointment settled in again, and I asked my sister to meet for wine.

Kasee made it home before my wine date, and I rattled off everything that I had encountered that morning. I told him that I didn’t trust the dollar store tests and asked him to pee in the cup so I could see if a thin line showed up. Like, maybe they were all flukes.

Desperate to calm me down, he peed in a cup, we dipped the stick and 5 minutes later there was still no line in sight. He looked at me with kindest eyes and said “Beanie I think there is a little bun in the oven”. He kissed me and we shared a warm hug before I left and met my sister for lunch.

At lunch, I met my sister with all five pregnancy tests and pulled them out to examine. She was 100% convinced I was pregnant and ordered me to make a doctor’s appointment.

The Wait

I went to the doctor the following day to confirm the pregnancy with a blood test. While signing in, the clerk recommended I get a vaginal ultrasound since the tech was working that day. I happily agreed and laid back while the tech spent 10 minutes taking pictures of what I thought was my little embryo.

Once done, I got dressed, and the doctor came in. He informed me that while there was a trace of HCG (a pregnancy hormone) in my urine, there was no embryo on the ultrasound. However, they had discovered a large ovarian cyst. He asked me if I were experiencing symptoms like tender breast, or nausea, to which I replied, “no.”

He went on to say that he was 80% confident I was experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is not viable and requires a procedure to rid of the egg.

He requested that I go to a radiologist who could better examine the severity of my cyst and would also confirm if my pregnancy was viable.

I left the radiologist on a Friday evening and immediately caught a flight to attend my great-grandmother’s birthday. While I was happy to be in the presence of family, it was difficult to fathom an ectopic pregnancy. I shared the news with my immediate circle and asked that they keep us in their prayers as we waited for the results.


I returned home and went to the doctor on the following Monday with Kasee. The doctor sat us down and explained that I had a dangerously large ovarian cyst. And ordered I stay on bed rest for 12 weeks.

He continued on to say, that after 12 weeks it should be safe for both me and the baby to start moving! He then smiled, offered us his congratulations, and confirmed that I was 6 weeks pregnant!

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