New Year – New Approach

New Year – New Approach

Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. This Bible verse has been a cornerstone of my life’s foundation; I was always actively pursuing everything, knowing God would grant me the strength to overcome. I found pleasure in pushing life’s boundaries and watching God grace me to the other side. But the pushing got exhausting.

So my goal for the new year has been to reset expectations, intentionally pursue things that align with my purpose and leave the rest at the door. I’ve learned that just because I can do everything [through Christ] doesn’t mean I have to.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I’ve hosted annual vision board parties since 2016. I’ve always enjoyed the mental preparation and planning for the year and sharing that with close companions. However, while the new year can be an excellent time for reflection and realignment, I released myself from the pressure of figuring it all out in January, which is why you’re getting this post on March 1st.

I broke my goals into four categories (Fitness, Focus, Family, Faith, and Finance) and set one quarterly goal for each. Then, at the end of every quarter, I will revisit each area and modify my strategy accordingly. It was important that these goals were life/mom-proof and could be accomplished even on my worst days, so here are my 2023 Q1 Goals.

Fitness – Limit Alcohol Consumption

I hate to admit it, but my life is better without alcohol. My energy, clarity, and focus are heightened when I don’t consume it, and I hope to experience more of that this year! My original goal was to cut it off completely for Q1, but after a friend’s wedding, I decided to relax the rules #grace.

Family- More Date Nights

Family outings have been our jam since becoming parents, but Kasee and I want to be more intentional about alone time this year. I’m looking forward to more adult activities, so let me know if you want to babysit!

Finance – No Cornerstore Purchases

First off, a bag of chips is $4, and second, I don’t need to spend my hard-earned coins on things that don’t bring me absolute joy. I’m already missing my evening treats, but I hope my savings will allow for more fulfilling splurges.

Focus – Create and Maintain my Content Calendar

I’ve winged my entire content creator career and want to be more strategic this year! I believe this will be the key to unlocking a new level of commitment, consistency, and success for my brand. I’m excited about what I have planned so far, and can’t wait to share more with you.

Faith – Let prayer be the first thing I do in the morning.

I want to make sure my mind and heart are anchored in Christ. Praying in the morning is a great way to set the tone and intention for the day. It will also prevent me from looking at my phone as soon as I open my eyes! Win-win!

I know it’s strange to hear about new year’s resolutions at the beginning of March, but you can decide to make life changes at any time. So if you haven’t made any goals for the year, take some time to focus on the small areas in your life that you want to improve. You’ll be surprised to see how big of a difference little changes can make.

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I’m just here for the clothes.

Here’s the link to my dress and leather top.

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